Offer your customers liposomal products that are developed using leading German technology. We provide our partners with the following services.
What we do

What we do

Get your liposomal vitamins or minerals custom made as a white label or choose yourself which products you want to have liposomally processed.

We will review the formulation for you to verify both its bioavailability and effects.

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Why liposomal products?


While conventional vitamins have an absorption rate of at most 20%, liposomal vitamins have 10 to 50 times better absorption.



With liposomal vitamins, the body can use significantly more nutrients when it needs them the most.



Liposomes, thanks to their miniature size
and protective layers, reach every cell that needs the ingredient.

Vesantech illustration of unilamellar and multilamellar liposome and their structure
Vesantech illustration of unilamellar and multilamellar liposome and their structure

With our liposomal technology, two to four protective layers are formed, that safely protect nutrients from degradation in the digestive system.

Vesantech graphical comparison of the absorption of classic and liposomal vitamins
Vesantech graphical comparison of the absorption of classic and liposomal vitamins

Absorption of liposomal vitamins is significantly higher compared to the absorption of conventional tablets, capsules or even vitamins given intravenously.

All the nutrients you can think of

Supplementation with vitamins C, D or B-complex is not a trend but a necessity. At Vesantech, we can produce almost any nutrient by the liposomal method.

Magnesium, zinc, calcium and many other nutrients you can include in your brand portfolio.

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